25 Ladies played in Debbie’s Lady Captain’s Day in absolutely summer like weather. The theme of the day was exercise and fitness and a suitably decorated buggy was in attendance. All the Ladies dressed appropriately with much Lycra on display. A very welcome halfway round break with Pimm’s and Debbie’s homemade brownies and flapjacks made any bad golf seem OK. The CSS was 72
In 1st place and winning the Captain’s Cup was Angie Chapman with 38 points.
In 2nd place with 37 points was Nicola Oddy
In 3rd place with 35 points was Sarah Shobrook
4th, 5th and 6th were Cheryl Jose, Vera Eade and Sally Andrew.
Everyone was also asked to keep their scores to be eligible for the Scratch prizes.
The Silver gross score prize was won by Jan Sargeant with a gross 79
The Bronze gross score prize was Michelle McLaughlin with a gross 98.
The best gross score overall, winning the Jan Sargeant Scratch Trophy for the best gross score of the day was Danielle Price with a gross 77.
Debbie had given a prize for all the players which was most appreciated and everyone enjoyed the day.