On Sunday the Gammon team played in the second round of the Gammon Trophy against Trevose at West Cornwall. Once the rain stopped it was all blue skies and sunshine. The team was Danielle, Olivia, Nikki, Jan, Jo, Lauren and Angie. The result was a 7-0 win for Perranporth and the team now meet Truro on the 14th July at Mullion. Thanks for all the caddies and supporters.
On Thursday the League team played Falmouth at Perranporth. The result was a 6.5-0.5 win for Perranporth. The team was Vicky, Sarah, Niki, Sue, Debbie, Nicola and Jill.
On Friday the “Vice Squad” Annodata team went away to play Carlyon Bay and won 3.5-1.5. The team was Jackie M, Olivia, Vera, Sarah and Karen G.