30 Ladies played in the West Briton Bowl Medal in fine , breezy weather. The scoring reflected the good conditions and four Ladies reduced their handicaps. The CSS was 72.
In 1st place and winning the West Briton Bowl with a net 68 and reducing her handicap from 12 to 11 was Karen Greenwood
In 2nd place on countback with a net 69 and reducing her handicap from 27 to 25 was Jacquie Lang.
In 3rd place also with a net 69 and reducing her handicap from 12 to 11 was Angie Chapman
In 4th place on countback with a net 70 was Jo Rysdale
In 5th place also with a net 70 was Jane Barrington
In 6th place with a net 71 and reducing her handicap from 16 to 15 was Vera Eade.
Well played everyone and congratulations to Karen on winning the Trophy for the 1st time.
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