In the annual joint Captains night, The Rose Between Two Thorns, 51 members played in groups of two men and one lady. One other group were unable to play due to petrol problems but were able to join everyone later for a pasty.
After a very hot sunny day the mist started to come in just after the first few groups had started. Fortunately everyone was able to compete the competition.
In 1st place with 44 points but with a better back 3 holes was Jane Wragg, Russell Milne and Kevin Clemo
In 2nd place also with 44 points was Karen Furness, Terry Gill and Terry Crowle.
The raffle was well supported and overall the evening raised £90 each for the British Heart Foundation and The Precious Lives Appeal.
Thank you to every one that played. Special thanks to Karen Greenwood for supplying the pasties.